Module Bap_wp.Precondition

This module exports types and utilities to create preconditions for BIR expressions, blocks and subroutines.

Usage typically involves creating a new (abstract) Environment.t value, a Z3 context and a Environment.var_gen using the utility functions, along with the desired post-condition and calling the relevant visit_foo function.

The resulting precondition can then be tested for satisfiability or provability using the Z3 Solver module.

module Bool = Z3.Boolean
module Env = Environment
module Constr = Constraint
type hooks = {
assume_before : Constr.t list;
assume_after : Constr.t list;
verify_before : Constr.t list;
verify_after : Constr.t list;

Constraints that can be added to the precondition as either assumptions or verification conditions, and when to apply those constraints during a visit to an instruction.

val z3_expr_zero : Z3.context -> int -> Constr.z3_expr

Create the Z3 BitVector zero value of width i.

val z3_expr_one : Z3.context -> int -> Constr.z3_expr

Create the Z3 BitVector 1 value of width i.

val binop : ?smtlib_compat:bool -> Z3.context -> Bap.Std.binop -> Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr

Translate a BIR binary operator to a Z3 one.

val unop : Z3.context -> Bap.Std.unop -> Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr

Translate a BIR unary operator to a Z3 one.

val cast : Z3.context -> Bap.Std.cast -> int -> Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr

Translate a BIR cast operation into a Z3 one.

val visit_call : Bap.Std.Call.t -> Constr.t -> Env.t -> Bap.Std.Jmp.t -> Constr.t * Env.t

Compute a precondition for given call given a postcondition.

val vars_from_sub : Env.t -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> Bap.Std.Var.Set.t

Get every variable from a subroutine.

val get_vars : Env.t -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> Bap.Std.Var.Set.t

Get every variable from a subroutine and all general purpose registers.

val set_of_reg_names : Env.t -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> string list -> Bap.Std.Var.Set.t

Parses a list of register names found in a subroutine and returns a set of variables representing those registers.

val init_vars : Bap.Std.Var.Set.t -> Env.t -> Constr.t list * Env.t

Generates a list of constraints: var == init_var where init_var refers to the initial state of the variable var. Also updates the environment to contain a mapping of Bap variables to their generated init variables.

Can be used in the specs using Env.mk_init_var and Env.get_init_var. e.g. `BV.mk_ult ctx (Env.get_init_var env var) z3_var` is the constraint stating the value of the variable at its initial state is less than its value at the current state.

val init_mem_range : Z3.context -> bool -> Bap.Std.value Bap.Std.memmap -> Bap.Std.value Bap.Std.memmap -> Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr

Returns a Z3 expression that returns true if an address occurs in the range of memory addresses initialized by the init-mem flag in either the original or modified binaries.

val init_mem : Env.t -> Bap.Std.value Bap.Std.memmap -> Utils.Code_addrs.t -> Constr.t list * Env.t

Generates a list of constraints: mem[0xloc] == 0xval where the mem variable is taken from the environment, and the loc/val pairs are taken from the memmap.

An optional set of known code addresses is provided. The addresses in this set are ignored when generating the constraints.

val load_z3_mem : Z3.context -> word_size:int -> mem:Constr.z3_expr -> addr:Constr.z3_expr -> Bap.Std.endian -> Constr.z3_expr

Create a Z3 expression that denotes a load in memory mem at address addr with a word size of word_size bits and endianness endian.

val store_z3_mem : Z3.context -> word_size:int -> mem:Constr.z3_expr -> addr:Constr.z3_expr -> content:Constr.z3_expr -> Bap.Std.endian -> Constr.z3_expr

Create a Z3 expression that denotes a write in memory mem at address addr, writing the value content with a word size of word_size bits and endianness endian.

val bv_to_bool : Constr.z3_expr -> Z3.context -> int -> Constr.z3_expr

Translates the sort of a Z3 expression from BitVector of variable width to a Boolean.

val word_to_z3 : Z3.context -> Bap.Std.Word.t -> Constr.z3_expr

Translate a BAP word to a Z3 BitVector expression of the same width and value.

val exp_to_z3 : Bap.Std.exp -> Env.t -> Constr.z3_expr * hooks * Env.t

Translate a BIR expression to a Z3 expression, by a straightforward translation of the expression semantics, using the context for values of variables.

Returns also the assumptions and the VCs generated by the hooks in the environment.

val input_regs : -> Bap.Std.Var.t list

Obtains all possible registers that can be used to hold input values to a function call for a given target.

val caller_saved_regs : -> Bap.Std.Var.t list

Obtains the caller saved-registers for a given target.

val callee_saved_regs : -> Bap.Std.Var.t list

Obtains the callee-saved registers for a given target.

val user_func_spec : sub_name:string -> sub_pre:string -> sub_post:string -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used to handle user-specified subroutine specs via the --user-func-specs flag, using the user-specified subroutine name, pre and post-conditions. *

val spec_verifier_error : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for the functions __assert_fail or __VERIFIER_error. It returns the precondition false.

val spec_verifier_assume : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for assumptions made with __VERIFIER_assume(assumption). It returns a precondition of assumption => post.

val spec_verifier_nondet : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for functions of __VERIFIER_nondet_type, which returns a nondeterministic value for the type. This spec chaoses the register that holds the output value from the function call.

val spec_empty : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for empty subroutines that have no blocks. This spec is a nop, returning the postcondition as the precondition.

val spec_arg_terms : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used when BAP is able to generate arg terms for the subroutine in the case when an API is specified. It creates a function symbol for each output register given the input registers in the form func_out_reg(in_reg1, in_reg2, ...).

val spec_rax_out : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used when RAX or EAX is used on the left-hand side of the subroutine. It creates a function symbol for RAX/EAX with the input registers as arguments.

val spec_chaos_rax : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is similar to spec_rax_out, but will create a function symbol for RAX regardless if it was used in the left-hand side of the subroutine or not. This spec only works for x86_64 architectures.

val spec_chaos_caller_saved : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for x86 architectures and will create a function symbol for all caller-saved registers given with the input registers as arguments.

val spec_afl_maybe_log : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used for the function __afl_maybe_log. It chaoses the registers RAX, RCX, and RDX. In retrowrite, these registers are stored on the stack, __afl_maybe_log is called, and then the registers are restored.

val spec_inline : Bap.Std.Sub.t Bap.Std.Seq.t -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option

This spec is used to inline a function call. It calls visit_sub on the target function being called.

val spec_default : Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec

The default spec used when mapping subroutines to their preconditions. This spec sets the constraint representing the subroutine being called to true, and in x86 architectures, increments the value of the stack pointer on return by the address size.

val jmp_spec_default : Env.jmp_spec

The default jmp spec for handling branches in a BIR program.

val indirect_spec_default : Env.indirect_spec

The default indirect call spec.

val jmp_spec_reach : Constr.path -> Env.jmp_spec

A jump spec that generates constraints for reaching a program point, according to a map specifying whether a jump was taken or not.

val int_spec_default : Env.int_spec

The default interrupt spec for handling interrupts in a BIR program.

val non_null_load_vc : Env.exp_cond

This spec enforces each memory read to be on a non-null address.

val non_null_load_assert : Env.exp_cond

This spec assumes each memory read to be on a non-null address.

val non_null_store_vc : Env.exp_cond

This spec enforces each memory write to be on a non-null address.

val non_null_store_assert : Env.exp_cond

This spec assumes each memory write to be on a non-null address.

val valid_load_vc : Env.exp_cond

This spec enforces each memory read to be in a valid region of memory, i.e. either on the stack or heap.

val valid_load_assert : Env.exp_cond

This spec assumes each memory read to be in a valid region of memory, i.e. either on the stack or heap.

val valid_store_vc : Env.exp_cond

This spec enforces each memory write to be in a valid region of memory, i.e. either on the stack or heap.

val valid_store_assert : Env.exp_cond

This spec assumes each memory write to be in a valid region of memory, i.e. either on the stack or heap.

val mem_read_offsets : Env.t -> init_mem:( Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr ) -> offsets:( Constr.z3_expr -> Constr.z3_expr ) -> Env.exp_cond

This spec assumes that the value of a memory read at address a in the original binary is equal to the memory read of the modified binary at address a + d.

val num_unroll : int Stdlib.ref

Constant which determines the number of loop unrollings.

We use the default value !num_unroll = 5.

val default_stack_range : Env.mem_range

The default stack range has a base address at 0x40000000 and size of 0x800000. The stack grows downward.

val default_data_section_range : Env.mem_range
val mk_env : ?subs:Bap.Std.Sub.t Bap.Std.Seq.t -> ?specs: ( Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec option ) list -> ?default_spec: ( Bap.Std.Sub.t -> -> Env.fun_spec ) -> ?indirect_spec:Env.indirect_spec -> ?jmp_spec:Env.jmp_spec -> ?int_spec:Env.int_spec -> ?exp_conds:Env.exp_cond list -> ?loop_handlers:( Bap.Std.Tid.t -> Env.loop_handler option ) list -> ?default_loop_handler:Env.loop_handler -> ?freshen_vars:bool -> ?use_fun_input_regs:bool -> ?stack_range:Env.mem_range -> ?data_section_range:Env.mem_range -> ?func_name_map:string Core.String.Map.t -> ?smtlib_compat:bool -> -> Z3.context -> Env.var_gen -> Env.t

Creates an environment with

  • an empty sequence of subroutines to initialize function specs
  • an empty list of Environment.fun_specs that summarize the precondition for a function call
  • the default Environment.jmp_spec that summarizes the precondition at a jump
  • the default Environment.int_spec that summarizes the precondition for an interrupt
  • an empty list of Environment.exp_conds which adds assumptions and VCs to the precondition as hooks on certain instructions
  • a loop unroll count of 5 for use when reaching a back edge during analysis
  • a loop handler that can unroll a loop or check a loop invariant
  • a target architecture for specific constraints and specs
  • freshening variables set to false. Should be set to true in order to represent the variables in the modified binary
  • the option to use all function input registers when generating function symbols at a call site set to true
  • the default concrete range of addresses of the stack for constraints about the stack with a base of 0x40000000 and size of 8Mbs
  • the default concreate range of addresses of the data section for constraints about the data section with a base of 0x000000 and size of 8Mbs

unless specified. A Z3 context and var_gen are required to generate Z3 expressions and create fresh variables.

val visit_jmp : Env.t -> Constr.t -> Bap.Std.Jmp.t -> Constr.t * Env.t

Create a precondition for a given jump expression, depending on the postcondition and (potentially) the preconditions for the jump targets or the loop invariants.

We do not handle indirect jumps at all: we just return the current postcondition, which is unsound of course.

val visit_elt : Env.t -> Constr.t -> Bap.Std.Blk.elt -> Constr.t * Env.t

Create a precondition for a given block element, which may be a jump, an assignment or a phi node. Depends on the postcondition, and the preconditions of other blocks or subroutines if the elt is a jump.

Note that we are not complete for phi nodes, and the Z3 semantics may be weaker than the BIR semantics.

val visit_block : Env.t -> Constr.t -> Bap.Std.Blk.t -> Constr.t * Env.t

Create a precondition for a given block. Depends on the postcondition, and the preconditions of other blocks or subroutines if there is a jump.

Currently we do not handle loops very well, except by suppressing all back- edges in the CFG.

val visit_sub : Env.t -> Constr.t -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> Constr.t * Env.t

Create a precondition for a given subroutine. Depends on the postcondition, and the preconditions of other blocks or subroutines if there is a jump.

Currently we do not handle loops very well, except by suppressing all back- edges in the CFG.

val check : ?refute:bool -> ?print_constr:string list -> ?debug:bool -> ?ext_solver:(string * (Z3.FuncDecl.func_decl * Z3.Symbol.symbol) list) -> ?fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Z3.Solver.solver -> Z3.context -> Constr.t -> Z3.Solver.status

Calls Z3 to check for a countermodel for the precondition of a BIR program. If refute is set to false, it checks for a model instead. If ~print_constr is called and contains "smtlib", then Z3's solver (smt lib 2) will be printed. If ~debug is called and set to true, it will be passed to print statistics for Constr.eval inside this function

val exclude : ?fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Z3.Solver.solver -> Z3.context -> var:Constr.z3_expr -> pre:Constr.t -> Z3.Solver.status

Adds a constraint to the Z3 solver in which var does not equal its value from the original Z3 model, then runs the Z3 solver again.

This has a side effect that updates the state of the solver. The solver's state can be reverted back with Z3.Solver.pop.

val set_sp_range : Env.t -> Constr.t

Hypothesis that the stack pointer is within the valid range of the stack according to the environment.

construct_pointer_constraint generates a constraint that the registers (passed in as z3 expressions) are treated as pointers. That is, all specified registers cannot point to the uninitalized stack region. They must be either below the bottom of the stack or above the initial stack pointer.

val construct_pointer_constraint : Constr.z3_expr list -> Env.t -> Constr.z3_expr list option -> Env.t option -> Constr.t
val loop_unroll : int -> Env.loop_handler

loop_unroll num_unroll returns a function that will compute the precondition of nodes within loops by assuming that the loop was traversed at most num_unroll times. This is the default loop handler.

val loop_invariant_checker : Env.loop_invariants -> Bap.Std.Tid.t -> Env.loop_handler option

loop_invariant_checker invariants tid returns a function that will check the loop invariant for the loop that starts at tid given that the invariant exists in invariants.