Module Bap_wp.Run_parameters

This module contains the parameters the user can set from the command line interface to WP. These flags specify which properties WP should check and updates the default options.

module Env = Environment
module Err : Monads.Std.Monad.Result.S with type 'a t := 'a Monads.Std.Monad.Result.T1(Bap_main.Extension.Error)(Monads.Std.Monad.Ident).t and type 'a m := 'a Monads.Std.Monad.Result.T1(Bap_main.Extension.Error)(Monads.Std.Monad.Ident).m and type 'a e := 'a Monads.Std.Monad.Result.T1(Bap_main.Extension.Error)(Monads.Std.Monad.Ident).e and type err := Bap_main.Extension.Error.t

A result monad that includes Extension.Error.t as the error type. This error is returned when a user passes in an invalid parameter.

type t = {
func : string;
precond : string;
postcond : string;
trip_asserts : bool;
check_null_derefs : bool;
check_invalid_derefs : bool;
compare_func_calls : bool;
compare_post_reg_values : string list;
pointer_reg_list : string list;
inline : string option;
num_unroll : int option;
loop_invariant : string;
gdb_output : string option;
bildb_output : string option;
use_fun_input_regs : bool;
mem_offset : bool;
rewrite_addresses : bool;
debug : string list;
stack_base : int option;
stack_size : int option;
show : string list;
func_name_map : (string * string) list;
user_func_specs : (string * string * string) list;
user_func_specs_orig : (string * string * string) list;
user_func_specs_mod : (string * string * string) list;
fun_specs : string list;
ogre : string option;
ogre_orig : string option;
ogre_mod : string option;
ext_solver_path : string option;
init_mem : bool;

The available options to be set. Each flag corresponds to a parameter in the set with the BAP custom command line.

val validate : t -> string list -> ( t, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate flags files ensures the user inputted the appropriate flags for the inputted files. In the case the user has invalid flags, an error is returned.

val validate_func : string -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_func name checks the user inputted a name for the function to analyze. Returns an error when name is empty.

val validate_debug : string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_debug options checks the user inputted the supported options for the debug printer flag. Returns an error when an unsupported option is inputted.

val validate_show : string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_show options checks the user inputted the supported options for the show printer flag. Returns an error when an unsupported option is inputted.

val validate_compare_func_calls : bool -> string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_compare_func_calls flag files checks that the flag is only set when there are two files to compare. Returns an error otherwise.

val validate_compare_post_reg_vals : string list -> string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_compare_post_reg_vals regs files checks that the list of registers to compare is only set when there are two files to compare. Returns an error otherwise.

val validate_mem_flags : t -> string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_mem_flags flags files checks that a memory comparison flag is only set when there are two files to compare, and that only one flag is set at a time. Returns an error otherwise.

val validate_check_invalid_derefs : bool -> string list -> ( unit, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_check_invalid_derefs flag files checks that the flag is only set when there are two files to compare. Returns an error otherwise.

val validate_ogre : t -> ( t, Bap_main.error ) Stdlib.result

validate_ogre flags checks that the user hasn't provided inconsistent info about which ogre files to use, and updates them with explicit paths if needed. Returns an error otherwise.

val parse_loop_invariant : string -> -> Bap.Std.Sub.t -> Env.loop_invariants

parse_loop_environment invariant target sub parses the invariant which is an S-expression representing the address of a loop header and its corresponding loop invariant, and returns a format accepted by the environment.

i.e., parse_loop_environment "(((address 0x12) (invariant "(assert (= foo bar))")))" x86 sub.

val default : func:string -> t

Creates the default parameters for easy invocation