CBAT Reference

This page contains a brief reference to CBAT's command line options.

Viewing the man page

To view the man page:

    $ bap wp --help

General options

These options apply in most circumstances to adjust CBAT's behavior or output.

Single program analysis

To analyze a single program, the command you want to invoke has this basic form:

    $ bap wp \              <-- The command is wp
        --func=FUNC \       <-- The function to examine
        [options] \         <-- Any extra options
        /path/to/exe        <-- The path to a binary program
The following options select or adjust the property that will be checked for the function FUNC in the case of single-program analysis.

Comparative analysis

To analyze two programs,the command you want to invoke has this basic form:

    $ bap wp \                  <-- The command is wp
        --func=FUNC \           <-- The function to examine in both programs
        [options] \             <-- Any extra options
        /path/to/exe1 \         <-- The path to the first program
        /path/to/exe2           <-- The path to the second program

Custom property cheat sheet

Custom properties use the smt-lib2 format. Here we provide a quick reference to commonly used features. In the following, let E1, E2, and so on refer to SMTLIB expressions.


Boolean operations

Arithmetic operations

Bitvector operations